Schedule Appointment

Drive-thru appointments are available 11:45am-2:15pm, Mon, Wed, Thurs, & 9-11:30am Saturdays. Please wait 30 days to schedule another appointment.

Arriving at our Location

Please arrive on time for your drive-thru appointment and park your vehicle in one of the two service lanes. Our address is:

217 W. Stewart Ave.
Puyallup WA, 98371.

Food Pick-Up

When you arrive, stay in your car, and a volunteer will come to take your name. Our volunteers will bring your items out to your car, and if you need help, just ask! We are happy to serve you with grace and respect.

Next Steps

Need help with bills or other things? Click the button below to set up a call so we can help you navigate our community’s various services and resources.

Schedule Appointment

Drive-thru appointments are available 11:45am-2:15pm, Mon, Wed, Thurs, & 9-11:30am Saturdays. Please wait 30 days to schedule another appointment.

Arriving at our Location

Please arrive on time for your drive-thru appointment and park your vehicle in one of the two service lanes. Our address is:

217 W. Stewart Ave.
Puyallup WA, 98371.

Food Pick-Up

When you arrive, stay in your car, and a volunteer will come to take your name. Our volunteers will bring your items out to your car, and if you need help, just ask! We are happy to serve you with grace and respect.

Next Steps

Need help with bills or other things? Click the button below to set up a face-to-face meeting where our resource navigator will help you connect with various services and resources in our community.

Our Goal

Our goal is to provide enough food to feed each member of your family for at least three days. Thanks to the generosity of our giving partners, this often results in a full car load of food! But the quantity may fluctuate with the season. If you receive more food than you can use, please pass along the blessing to your neighbors in need. We often have non-food items such as pet supplies, personal hygiene and other household items. Please let us know if you have a specific non-food request and we’ll do our best to meet that need, as supplies allow.

Phones are monitored M-Th 9am-12pm

For emergency food bags or hot meals visit our partner down the street, New Hope Resource Center

For walk-up shopping-style food service visit our partner, the Sumner Food Bank

For delivery food bank service, call our partner All Saints Parish Community Services at 253-848-2000 (Monday through Thursday)

For a list of food banks in the region, click here

Appointment FAQs

Most of our food products are from giving partners such as Costco and Fred Meyer, but a large portion of our food supply comes from everyday people like you, neighbors who want to help their neighbors. With your support, we are not just providing a meal, but offering a first step toward a more hopeful future. Learn more here

The Puyallup Food Bank is not licensed to operate as a drop-in center. While we always offer a friendly conversation, walk-up clients will be directed to New Hope Resource Center for hot meals, emergency food bags, or other services. We partner with New Hope Resource Center, to serve those without transportation or housing. This partnership ensures that people are getting help that truly helps, beyond just food. This also maintains a safe environment for our volunteers to serve.

We are happy to reschedule your appointment if you let us know in advance.

Phones are answered:
Monday: 9-3
Tuesday: 9-3
Wednesday: Need Volunteer Receptionist
Thursday: 9-12, Need Volunteer Receptionist
Friday: Need Volunteer Receptionist
Saturday: 9-11


We understand that life gets hectic, but if we don’t hear from you in advance, your appointment slot will remain filled, meaning there is potentially another family that won’t be able to receive food that day.

What To Expect

Our Location